🗓️ Saturday, July 1, 2023 11:00 am Palazzo Orsini - Bomarzo(VT) Saturday, July 1 at 11 a.m. at Palazzo Orsini in Bomarzo to present the volume that finally sees the light of day after months of joint efforts... Present, Mayor Marco Perniconi, the Superintendent of...
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E’ stato possibile realizzare questo progetto grazie al sostegno e al supporto di Aziende, Enti e Associazioni che credono nella valorizzazione storica e culturale come patrimonio di crescita per i territori e le comunità. Li ringraziamo per la loro disponibilità.

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The Sacred Forest
A congeries of giant, eerie stone figures, originally colored, are arranged among the vegetation on the sloping terraces of an enchanting natural amphitheater.
Monsters with ancient charm
The Sacred Grove, known to all as the Monster Park is a unique work of its kind, conceived and commissioned by Vicino Orsini, a fine scholar who was part of the close circle of poets and men of letters in Venice and Rome, a valiant condottiero, who spent his mature years there in the company of his closest friends. According to some fruit of the creator's conflicted state of mind, the "monsters" are nevertheless explanatory of a culture that matured within that taste for the horrid, the magical and the esoteric in vogue in Rome in the second half of the 16th century.
Taste itineraries
Discover the excellence of the area, local products, and places to find and taste them.
Discover Tuscia
Experience Vicino Orsini's lands of nature, mystery and beauty.
Projects and Ideas
Companies, Entities and Associations that believe in cultural enhancement as an asset for growth.
News and Events
🗓️ Friday, June 30, 2023 21:30 Palazzo Orsini - Bomarzo(VT) Friday, June 30 at 9:30 p.m. in Bomarzo (VT) at Palazzo Orsini, as part of the celebrations of Vicino500, will compete for the first regional title of this edition : Miss Miluna Lazio 2023
A JEWEL IN HONOR OF VICINO ORSINI’S 500 YEARS: “The Embrace of Vicino and Julia.”
🗓️ Saturday, June 17, 2023 6:00 p.m. Palazzo Orsini - Bomarzo Lino Perinelli's goldsmith art shines on the fifth centennial celebration of Vicino Orsini's birth with a unique piece of jewelry dedicated to the lord of Bomarzo and his beloved consort Giulia Farnese.
Neighbor's dream
I, Vicino Orsini, born in Rome on the 4th of July of the year 1523, I have seen the greatness, the splendor and nevertheless, the vices of the Eternal City; I saw the ferment of art in Venice and the magnificence of Florence; I experienced the horror of war and the sufferings of imprisonment ... But finally, I found peace and quiet of soul here, in the land of Bomarzo, between the mighty walls of my Palace and the harsh and virgin nature ... Here I realized my big dream. A dream that still continues and that I would also like to make each of you live ... In Bomarzo, in my Bomarzo, on the 4th of July 2023, for the feast of my five hundred years! ....